Do’s and Don’ts in Tadoba

Do’s and Don’ts in Tadoba National Park

It is true that going on a wildlife safari in the heart of the greatest tiger reserve in India is a soothing and enjoyable pastime. Additionally, it turns out to be one of the best Christmas plans you can possibly have with loved ones. In addition to being thrilling and adventurous, it is also instructive. Both scholars and ardent enthusiasts often travel to such fascinating excursions. There are a a few things you should keep in mind while visiting Tadoba National Park in order to make sure you get the most out of your wildlife adventure.

Preserve The Woods: Never disembark from the van unless your tour guide specifically permits you to do so. Getting that ideal shot might be comforting at times. It will be best advised that you set your camera before travelling there. Maintain your voice at the lowest tone possible, avoid attracting attention from wildlife, and keep your degree of enthusiasm under control. You must keep in mind that you are not in your own home and that animals have a better sense of smell than any of us do!

A technique for spotting animals: The tour guide and driver will do their hardest to ensure you see the majority of the creatures on your wish list in Tadoba National Park, but this may not always happen. Be patient and keep in mind that Tadoba is quite large and provides animals with plenty of concealment. Additionally, keep in mind that everyone has a bucket list!

dos and donts in tadoba
tadoba tiger

Be Safe and Respect Your Limits: At all times, respect your constrained boundaries. Do not attempt to penetrate the Tadoba Tiger Reserve's central region or the park's entrance gates. You must use caution with wild creatures. It is required to maintain a minimum of 20 metres between your vehicle and any wildlife; if an animal approaches, please do not move your car; instead, remain stationary and allow the animal to pass.

Keep your Personal Electronic Items Away: If you must bring a phone, put it in flight mode or quiet mode (the chance of receiving a decent signal is often low!). The same goes for any other electronic gadgets you could be carrying, including your camera. The constant beeping might annoy other passengers and distract animals as well. Only the sounds made by animals and birds would be worth listening to.

Wear exquisitely: Experiment with colors other than khaki, but avoid anything that is very dramatic, dazzling, or bright. Choose loose-fitting cottons that you don't mind getting a little dust on. Keep in mind to dress appropriately for Tadoba's climate (which is extreme in all seasons).

Pack carefully: It's completely okay to leave back some large books. After all, you aren't in a classroom; you are on the finest Tiger Safari in India! Therefore, bring exactly what you really need and don't overpack. The majority of essentials include eyewear, prescription drugs, binoculars, a hat, and sunscreen.